“Every year around 11,500 women and 85 men die from breast cancer in the UK – that's nearly 1,000 deaths each month, 31 each day or one every 45 minutes. Breast cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women under 50 in the UK.” breastcancernow.org
Here at Chi Chi HQ we hold an annual ‘Wear It Pink’ fundraiser to support the vital and life saving work done by Breast Cancer Awareness in the UK and feel very strongly about supporting this great cause.

Right, now we are aware of the heavy but very real stats, let’s look at the positive. Research and funding for research comes from spreading awareness, of which donations and fundraising are at the heart of. “Cancer Research UK’s total income for 2017/18 was £634 million.” From this the amount which was raised through: Donations (£192 million). Now while a proportion of this was raised specifically for Breast Cancer, the overall figure is more than encouraging.
Fundraising is at the heart of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and there are so many ways to get involved that suit all our various circumstances. Here are a few great ways to show your support from the comfort of your own home:
- Turn your unwanted items into donations! Advertise on a platform of your choice, and get fundraising! Think Ebay, Depop or Facebook Marketplace. You can find a home for items that are cluttering up your home, and if you can get people to bid on items too that will up the price and raise even more money!
- Hold a virtual quiz! We’ve turned to Zoom a lot over the last few months, and what better way to put it to good use it than setting up your own Fundraising Charity Quiz from home! The great thing about this is everyone can choose individually how much they want to donate for taking part.
- Afternoon Tea! This year due to the restrictions of the pandemic, we have all had to get extra creative with hosting events! Technology saves the day yet again, you can still host from your very own kitchen so get baking! Get your family together in your own home, and connect with your friends and family outside your household to raise money for a cause that relies on these events to carry out life-saving research.

So, you might ask yourself, once the donations have been made, what else can you do? Talk about breast cancer! Although October is the month that is dedicated to this very real cause, if we are all collectively as women more informed and actively aware about potential signs all year round, we are all taking a step in the right direction together. Talk to your friends, your mum and your younger sister about ways to stay vigilant.
For more information head over to https://breastcancernow.org/get-involved/breast-cancer-awareness-month.