What should a female guest wear to a wedding?

Female wedding guests should choose attire that is respectful and in keeping with the formality and style of the wedding. Typically, a knee-length or full-length dress in a modest and tasteful style is a safe choice. It's essential to avoid wearing white or anything that might overshadow the bride. Consider the wedding's location and theme when selecting your outfit, and don't forget to accessorise appropriately.

What is appropriate to wear to attend a wedding?

Appropriate attire for attending a wedding depends on the wedding's formality and the couple's preferences. In general, for women, a tasteful dress, skirt and blouse, or a stylish trouser outfit can be suitable choices. It's crucial to consider the wedding's dress code, if any, and avoid wearing anything too casual or overly formal unless specified by the couple. Additionally, dressing modestly and avoiding white is customary to show respect for the bride and groom.

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